12. Comparetable
The Code
[comparetable id="comparetable_68"]
[c-column class="tb-left" column="3" bg_color="#"]
[c-row class="row-first" ]Content here….[/c-row]
[c-row]Content here….[/c-row]
[c-row]Content here….[/c-row]
[c-row class="hight-light" color="#"]Content here….[/c-row]
[c-column class="tb-center" column="3" bg_color="#"]
[c-row class="row-first" ]Content here….[/c-row]
[c-row]Content here….[/c-row]
[c-row]Content here….[/c-row]
[c-row class="hight-light" color="#"]Content here….[/c-row]
[c-column class="tb-right" column="3" bg_color="#"]
[c-row class="row-first" ]Content here….[/c-row]
[c-row]Content here….[/c-row]
[c-row]Content here….[/c-row]
[c-row class="hight-light" color="#"]Content here….[/c-row]
- [c-column]
- class – Enter class, tb-left is column left, tb- center is column center , tb- right is column right
- column – Number of column.
- bg_color -Enter background of column.
- [c-row]
- class – Enter class
- title – Enter title
- color – Enter color of text.