- True Mag - 2023.07.31
- #Include: WP Bakery Page Builder 7.0
- #Fix: PHP warnings
- #Fix: missing single post content
- True Mag - 2023.03.21
- #Improve Option Tree plugin
- True Mag 4.3.14 - 2023.03.21
include Option Tree
- True Mag 4.3.13 - 2023.01.02
include Visual Composer 6.10.0; Sample Data 1.2.1
- #Fix Support PHP 8
- #Fix Sample Data install
- True Mag 4.3.12 - 2022.10.18
include Visual Composer 6.9; Revolution Slider 6.5.31; Truemage Rating;
- #Fix Fix top 10 views count format
- #Fix Fix Star-Half icon disappereared
- #Fix Add protected video single inbox
- #Fix Update protected password video
- #Fix Update fetch data vimeo
- #Fix Fix required comments field submit commemnt
- True Mag 4.3.10 - 2022.02.07
include Visual Composer 6.8.0; Revolution Slider 6.5.15; Cactus Video 1.1.5;
- #Fix Show category description if exist
- #Fix Ajax pagination
- #Fix Change channel listing page title
- True Mag 4.3.9 - 2021.08.20
include Visual Composer 6.7.0; Revolution Slider 6.5.6; Cactus Video 1.1.4;
- #Fix Update function
- #Fix Ajax navigation on channel, playlist page
- #Fix Font awesome clase
- #Fix Template js
- True Mag 4.3.8 - 2021.04.01
include Visual Composer 6.6.0; Revolution Slider 6.4.6; Cactus - Channel; Advance Search Form 1.5.0; TrueMag Movie; TrueMag Sample data 1.3; TrueMag Rating; TrueMag Shortcode; Video Ads 3.8; Cactus Video;
- #Fix XSS advance search form
- #Fix add require update advance search
- #Fix Fix JQuerry
- True Mag 4.3.6 - 2021.01.13
include Visual Composer 6.5.0; Revolution Slider 6.3.5;
- #Fix missing elements in comment form
- #Fix Wordpress 5.5 compability
- True Mag 4.3.5 - 2020.08.27
include Cactus Video; TrueMag Rating;
- #Fix Unable to upload hosted video in submission form after updating Contact Form 7
- #Fix Wordpress 5.5 migrate warning
- #Fix Breadcrumbs update
- True Mag 4.3.4 - 2020.08.10
includes Revolution Slider 6.2.17; Visual Composer 6.2;
- #Fix update breadcrumbs for schema.org
- #Fix Display bugs - vertical video
- #Fix SGTmetrix notice
- #Fix Fatal error in error_logs file and remove unused comment
- True Mag 4.3.3 - 2020.03.30
includes Revolution Slider 6.2.2; Visual Composer 6.1; Video Thumbnail 2.12.4;
- #Fix Email icon
- #Fix Breakcrumbs follow schema
- #Fix Sample data plugin
- True Mag 4.3.2 - 2019.11.03
includes Revolution Slider 6.1.3; Visual Composer 6.0.5;
TrueMag-Rating; Video Thumbnail 2.12.4;
- #Fix update icon for theme option
- #Fix update font-awesome version
- #Fix recommended plugin notificaiton
- #Fix Icon in BuddyPress profile
- #Fix Thumbnail size for Vimeo Video
- #Fix Icon in mobile menu
- #Fix Smooth croll library
- True Mag 4.3.1 - 2019.07.09
TrueMag-Rating; TrueMag-Shortcodes;
- #Fix Fix Font Awesome issues
- True Mag 4.3.0 - 2019.06.11
includes WP Bakery Page Builder 6.0.3; Revolution Slider; Visual Composer 6.0.3; TrueMag-Movie; TrueMag-Rating;
- #Fix Compatible with PHP 7.3
- True Mag 4.2.19 - 2019.04.16
includes WP Bakery Page Builder 5.6; Revolution Slider; Visual Composer 5.7; TrueMag-Movie; Cactus-Badges 1.1;
- #Fix Fix mobile menu swipe action issue
- #Fix Fix series, badge in edit sidebar
- #Fix Fix VC icon
- #Fix Fix Meta box
- True Mag 4.2.18 - 2018.12.13
- #Update Compatible with WooCommerce Template
- #Fix Fix Social Icon
- #Fix Fix https link for share button on hosting use ssl
- True Mag 4.2.17 - 2018.12.12
includes WP Bakery Page Builder 5.6; Revolution Slider; TrueMag-Playlist; Cactus Channel;
- #Update Compatible with Wordpress 5.0
- #Fix Fix Option issue
- #Fix Fix Color picker
- True Mag 4.2.16 - 2018.10.01
includes WP Bakery Page Builder 5.5.4
- #Update Font-Awasome to 5.3.1
- #Fix Fix Main menu Dropdown overflow
- #Fix Fix Youtube Video start time warning and support time format
- True Mag 4.2.15 - 2018.04.27
includes WP Bakery Page Builder 5.4.7; TrueMag-Shortcode; Advance Search Form
- #Add Bulk Assign Channel feature
- #Fix (self-hosted) Video Player displays improperly on mobile when using inbox layout mode
- #Fix cannot link to other video page on mobile when using Classly Slider layout for video series
- #Fix (self-hosted) Video Player displays improperly on mobile when using inbox layout mode
- #Fix auto-play setting for video file
- #Fix (Advance Search Form) items in search suggestion list do not link to posts
- True Mag 4.2.14 - 2018.01.31
includes TrueMag-SampleData 1.1; Revolution Slider
- #Update support WooCommerce 3.3
- True Mag 4.2.13 - 2018.01.04
includes TrueMag-Playlist; Cactus Channel; TrueMag-Rating; TrueMag-Child-Theme 1.2.1
- #Update use Child Theme to bypass Visual Composer Auto-Update
- #Fix Playlist and Channel select in admin does not work if WooCommerce is not installed
- #Fix Order by View in archives page does not work properly
- #Fix CSS issues
- True Mag 4.2.12 - 2017.11.27
includes TrueMag-Shortcodes; TrueMag-Playlist; Cactus Channel; Visual Composer 5.4.5; Revolution Slider
- #Update support WooCommerce 3.2.5
- #Update show Video Badges in Channel and Playlist page
- #Fix minus button in Cart page doesn't work
- #Fix Product Gallery lightbox doesn't work
- True Mag 4.2.11 - 2017.08.17
includes TrueMag-Movie; TrueMag-Shortcodes 3.3.4; TrueMag-Rating 3.3.2; Revolution Slider; Visual Composer 5.2.1
#Update add option to link to Single Video instead of sliding video in Playlist and Series Slider
- #Update support WooCommerce 3.1.2
- #Update Theme Options latest version
- #Fix CSS issues with Facebook Video, BuddyPress Group page, Edit Ad screen
- #Fix BuddyPress Avatar is not used for User Avatar
- #Fix make sure submitted post has author
- #Fix conflict between True Mag Movie plugin and JetPack
- #Fix YouTube Video has error when URL is short-type and Force Using Embed Code is NO
- #Fix warning in PHP 7
- True Mag 4.2.10 - 2017.05.19
include TrueMag-Movie 3.4.5; TrueMag-Shortcodes 3.3.3; TrueMag-Playlist 1.1.3; Cactus-Channel 1.0.3; Video Ads 3.7; Visual Composer 5.1.1; Revolution Slider; TrueMag-sampledata-plugin 1.0
- #Update a better Import Sample Data feature with TrueMag-Sample-Data plugin
- #Update support Youtube URL with Start At parameter, and make Start At option work with Video Ads
- #Update support Video Ads on mobile
- #Update move Channels-related features from TrueMag Playlist plugin to Cactus Channel plugin
- #Update make compatible with PHP 7
- #Fix conflict with Give Donation plugin
- #Fix auto-scroll issue with playing video of Classy Slider
- #Fix TM-Popular Video widget does not generate link when using Most Liked condition
- #Fix Number of More Videos does not work correctly
- #Fix messy layout of TM Recent Comments when there isn't an avatar
- #Fix setting Single Post > Replay does not work correctly
- True Mag - 2017.03.29
include TrueMag-Movie; TrueMag-Shortcodes 3.3.2; Visual Composer 5.1
- #Fix Sidebar setting of Videos Listing page template and add Page Heading in this page
- #Fix CSS issues of WPML Language Switcher in menu
- #Fix Cannot play short YouTube Video URL if "Force Using Embed Code" is not turned off
- #Update Responsive layout of Cart page
- #Update TM Related Posts/Videos widget to have option "Related By"
- #Add [classy] shortcode and option to use Classy Slider for posts which belong to a series. Just a beta feature
- True Mag - 2017.01.20
include TrueMag-Movie
- #Fix: Short YouTube URL issue with Force Using JW Player option and Cactus Ads
- #Fix: Quick View now supports cross-domain video (ie. https URL of YouTube or Vimeo)
- #Fix: TouchSwipe feature of Classy Slider 3 doesn't work properly on mobile
- True Mag - 2017.01.13
- #Fix: Pagination bug with Top 10 plugin
- #Fix: Excluded Posts issue with Top 10 plugin
- #Fix: Item icon does not appear correctly in Custom Menu widget in footer
- #Fix: incorrect playlist thumbnail in Channel when ajax-loading
- #Fix: Mega Menu - Columns Layout is not 100% width
- True Mag - 2017.01.05
include TrueMag-Movie; TrueMag-Shortcodes; Video Ads Management
- #Fix: Google Structured Data of inbox layout posts
- #Fix: audio posts does not display thumbnail in Search Results
- #Fix: sidebar settings in Blog and Video Listing page template
- #Fix: always auto-next if video has ads
- #Fix: warning, notice message, CSS issues
- #Update: revolution slider
- True Mag - 2016.12.24
- #Fix: responsive issue with HTML5 Native Video Player
- #Fix: FV FlowPlayer doesn't play in Header on mobile devices
- #Fix: GravityForms Submission Form doesn't fetch data
- #Fix: missing post title in Preview Mode of Mega Menu
- #Fix: JW Player 7 doesn't work
- #Fix: cross-sell products doesn't appear in cart
- True Mag - 2016.12.06
- #Fix: Front-end Post Submission with Contact Form 7 doesn't work
- True Mag - 2016.12.01
includes TrueMag-Movie; TrueMag-Shortcode; Video-Ads; Advance Search Form; Visual Composer 5.0.1;
- #Fix: compatible with Top 10 plugin
- #Fix: Count param of SCB shortcode doesn't work with Modified condition
- #Update: support GravityForms for Video Submission feature
- #Update: Advance Search Form to include Tags in the search suggestion results
- True Mag - 2016.11.12
includes TrueMag-Movie; Visual Composer 5.0;
- #Fix: style of Ajax loaded posts in Search Results
- #Add: option to autosynchronize views from network
- #Update: Visual Composer 5.0
- True Mag - 2016.11.07
- #Fix: MegaMenu disappears
- True Mag 4.2.9 - 2016.11.01
includes TrueMag-Movie 3.4.4; Revolution Slider 5.2.6; Cactus-Badges 1.0 plugin
- #Fix: sidebar setting of Single Product WooCommerce
- #Update: remove JS Color plugin, use default Color Picker component of WordPress
- #Update: support short YouTube URL youtu.be
- #Update: support Video File, Video Code and Video Thumbnail in the upload form
- #Add: Cactus Badges plugin
- #Add: Series Listing page template (in TrueMag-Movie plugin)
- True Mag - 2016.09.22
includes TrueMag-Shortcodes; TrueMag-Movie; TrueMag-Playlist; Cactus BAW Optimizer 1.0
- #Add: Cactus BAW Optimizer plugin to delete old data from BAW plugin and convert into Top 10 plugin-compatible
- #Update: support Top 10 plugin (to replace BAW plugin)
- #Update: support using Google Drive URL in Video File
- True Mag - 2016.09.17
includes TrueMag-Shortcodes; Visual Composer 4.12.1
- #Fix: cannot click on Vimeo videom when having Ads
- #Update: Visual Composer 4.12.1
- #Update: responsive thumbnails, increase image quality on mobiles
- True Mag - 2016.09.08
includes Visual Composer 4.12.1
- #Fix: VC Carousel shortcode, Metro Carousel shortcode in RTL mode
- #Fix: BreadCrumb generates error when posts do not belong to any categories
- #Update: add param to add link in Member Shortcode
- #Update: sub-menu of the last item in boxed layout falls to left side
- #Update: switch Previous and Next button
- True Mag - 2016.08.10
- #Fix: Mega Menu - does not first load items when there are 2 Preview Mode items
- #Fix: video auto plays in playlist
- #Fix: English spelling
- True Mag - 2016.08.10
includes Video Ads
- #Fix: Video Ads fatal error
- True Mag - 20116.08.09
includes Video Ads
- #Fix: WooCommerce Cross-Sells not showing in Cart
- #Fix: scrolling issues with Visual Composer Tabs
- #Fix: some text error
- #Update: update Optiona Page libs in Video Ads plugin
- True Mag - 2016.07.04
includes TrueMag-Movie; TrueMag-Child-Theme-Poster 1.3
- #Fix: error when BAW plugin is not installed
- #Update: support WooCommerce 2.6
- #Update: Child Theme Poster-Size bugs fixed and uses poster size for thumbnails in loop
- True Mag - 2016.06.23
- #Fix: dropdown menu in RTL mode
- #Fix: child theme poster size
- #Fix: Video Ads doesn't work with direct link from Amazon S3
- #Fix: multi-links video doesn't work with Vimeo and DailyMotion
- True Mag - 2016.06.10
- #Fix: bulk activate recommended plugin (update TGM Plugin activation)
- #Fix: CSS issues
- #Update: remove JWPlayer 6 from recommended plugins
- #Update: Visual Composer 4.12
- TrueMag 4.2.8 - 2016.05.25
- #Fix: Share Facebook to link back to website
- #Fix: JWPlayer 6 on mobile issue
- #Fix: JWPlayer 7 logo issue
- #Fix: Most Viewed Posts widget doesn't work
- #Fix: CSS in menu management in admin
- #Fix: HTTPs issue with playlist
- #Update: Revolution Slider
- #Update: Use Embed Code in multi-links for video posts
- TrueMag 4.2.7 - 2016.04.27
include Visual Composer; Revolution Slider 5.2.5; Cactus-Video
- #Fix: changing sidebar position for single playlist doesn't work
- TrueMag 4.2.7 - 2016.04.14
include Visual Composer 4.11.2; Revolution Slider; Video-Ads
- #Update: WordPress 4.5 compatibility
- #Fix: Video Ads issues
- #Fix: VideoJS doesn't work
- #Add: option to include og:video:secure_url
- TrueMag 4.2.6 - 2016.03.31
include Visual Composer 4.11.1; Revolution Slider 5.2.3; TrueMag-Movie; Advance-Search-Form
- #Fix: some PHP warning messages
- #Fix: Playlist page breaks when using Boxed layout
- #Fix: search results page when using child theme
- #Fix: cannot play video in multi-link when using Boxed layout
- #Update: support latest WooCommerce 2.5.5
- TrueMag 4.2.5 - 2016.03.14
include Visual Composer 4.11
- #Update: support WooCommerce 2.5.5
- #Update: support Meipai & Vid.me videos
- #Fix: bug when sorting tags by like
- #Fix: bug of View Count number in Smart Content Box
- TrueMag 4.2.4 - 2016.02.26
includes Visual Composer 4.10; Cactus Video (TrueMag Playlist) 1.1.2; Video Ads
- #Fix: order by Likes in Series page
- #Fix: 2 Most Viewed Posts widgets
- #Fix: Quick View doesn't work in Big Detail 1 Column layout
- #Fix: XSS exploit in search
- #Fix: unable to hide Related Videos in Video List
- #Fix: show View Count in Blog listing
- #Fix: Reply button click in comment form
- #Fix: Cactus Ads message hides other admin messages
- #Update: add Edit link in single Post/Page for Admin
- #Update: support Youku Video
- TrueMag 4.2.3 - 2016.02.04
includes Visual Composer 4.9.2; Revolution Slider 5.1.6; Video Ads 3.6.2; Cactus Video (TrueMag
PlayList) 1.1.1; Cactus Channel 1.0.2
- #Fix: theme breaks when freshly installed
- #Fix: Option Header - Category of Front Page queries incorrect posts of category
- #Fix: Video Ads admin cannot open popup to upload image. Random Ads doesn't work
- #Update: Support FlowPlayer 6: https://wordpress.org/plugins/flowplayer5/
- #Fix: FV FlowPlayer conflicts
- #Update: Visual Composer 4.9.2
- #Update: Revolution Slider 5.1.6
- TrueMag 4.2.2 - 2016.01.26
- #Fix: BreadCrumb text in Video Listing page
- #Fix: Carousel does not display items in child categories
- #Fix: post navigation in Tag page
- #Update: child theme 1.2
- TrueMag 4.2.1 - 2015.12.31
includes Visual Composer 4.9.1
- #Fix: headline is missing is Top Navigation is sticky
- #Fix: Channel Listing consumes too many resources
- #Fix: Search Icon is missing in Navigation Styel 4
- #Fix: first video in multi-link list cannot be played when using embed code
- #Update: improve child theme to not use @import in style.css
- TrueMag 4.2 - 2015.11.27
includes Revolution Slider 5.1.1
- #Update: Support JWPlayer 7 for WordPress plugin
- #Update: support BuddyPress 2.4.0
- #Update: True Mag child theme to remove @import css
- #Fix: minor CSS issues
- TrueMag 4.1.2 - 2015.11.14
include TrueMag-Shortcodes 3.3; Cactus Video (TrueMag-PlayList) 1.1; Advance Search Form 1.4.8
- #Fix: breadcrumbs in Video Series does not display correctly
- #Fix: Load More feature does not work in Channel and Playlist
- #Fix: notice messages in WordPress 4.3.1
- TrueMag 4.1.1 - 2015.10.30
includes Video-Ads 3.6.1; Visual Composer 4.8.1
- #Fix: "Search" text translation
- #Fix: Image Size in Blog page
- #Fix: CSS issues of fixed background
- #Update: remove single page of video ads
- TrueMag 4.1 - 2015.10.21
includes TrueMag-PlayList 1.0.2; Video-Ads 3.6; Revolution Slider 5.1
- #Fix: css for IE
- #Fix: Category Carousel shortcode to order by most liked videos
- #Fix: self-hosted video player issue in small screens
- #Fix: embed code - video player on Iphone 6+
- #Fix: some notice warnings
- #Fix: update language file
- #Update: Video Ads 3.6 to support self-hosted videos
- #Update: show Channel & Playlist column in admin for posts
- #Update: Main Navigation Layout - Centered Logo layout
- TrueMag 4.0.9 - 2015.10.06
- #Fix: display Standard Post in Blog Listing
- #Update: Visual Composer 4.7.4
- TrueMag 4.0.8 - 2015.09.28
includes updates: Video Ads 3.5
- #Fix: Contact Form 7 doesn't work if there are more than 2 forms on page
- #Fix: Vimeo Video cannot play on https
- #Fix: YouTube Video cannot play on iPad
- #Update: Video Ads 3.5 which contains "random ads display" feature during play
- TrueMag 4.0.7 - 2015.09.23
includes updates: TrueMag-Movie 3.4.2; TrueMag-Shortcode 3.2.7; TrueMag-Rating 3.3; Revolution Slider; Visual Composer 4.7.2
- #Fix: fixed menu with hidden headline
- #Fix: unable to display thumbnail of a Facebook Video Post in listing page
- #Fix: Testimonials shortcode do not slide
- #Update: Font Awesome 4.4
- #Add: option to specify short name for videos in a series
- TrueMag 4.0.6 - 2015.08.27
includes updates: TrueMag-Movie 3.4.1; Revolution Slider
- #Fix: RTL issues
- #Update: support WP 4.3
- #Update: remove auto update feature, use of Envato WordPress Toolkit plugin instead
- #Update: remove favicon feature, use of default WP 4.3 feature
- TrueMag 4.0.5 - 2015.07.23
includes updates: Video Ads 3.4.2; Cactus-Video 4.0.5
- #Fix: rich snippet for full-width video player single post
- #Fix: setting full-width for channel listing page doesn't work
- #Fix: search results page layout if post thumbnails are missing
- #Fix: Image Ads css
- #Update: support https
- #Update: Support WooCommerce 2.4.1
- #Update: Visual Composer 4.6.2
- #Update: Revolution Slider 5.0.4
- TrueMag 4.0.4 - 2015
includes updates: Video Ads; truemag-shortcodes 3.2.6
- #Fix: Widget Logic integration bug
- #Fix: default value issue of Smart Content Box in VC 4.6.1
- #Fix: Vimeo Video Ads link does not work
- #Fix: smooth scroll in iOS 8.4+
- TrueMag 4.0.3 - 2015 July 17th
includes updates: Video Ads; cactus-channel 1.0.1; cactus-playlist 1.0.1;
- #Fix: language translation
- #Fix: default video quality when using Video Ads
- #Update: add social accounts for Channels
- #Update: Visual Composer 4.6.1
- TrueMag 4.0.2 - 2015 July 9th
include updates: Video Ads; TrueMag-Shortcodes 3.2.5
- #Fix: special character issue in different languages of Video Sitemap feature
- #Fix: Video Ads hide part of player
- #Fix: RTL issues
- #Fix: post sharing issues with special characters in title
- #Update: order items in playlist by Published DateTime
- #Update: Visual Composer 4.6
- #Update: include WTI-Like Post plugin
- #Add: Theme Options > Social Accounts > Custom Social Accounts
- TrueMag 4.0.1 - 2015 June 30th
includes updates: Video Ads; TrueMag Movie 3.4
- #Fix: bug in Video Sitemap template
- #Fix: RTL and Custom Color issues for Cactus Channel
- #Fix: images are blur in some places
- #Fix: conflict between Video Ads and Cactus Channel, Cactus PlayList plugins
- #Update: hover to stop Testimonial carousel
- #Update: option to change long Movie Series list into Select-Box
- TrueMag 4.0 - 2015 - June 25th
include updates: Video Ads 3.4.1; Cactus Channel 1.0; TrueMag Playlist 1.0
- #Update: display logic for menu items on mobile devices
- #Fix: minor CSS issue
- #Update: add VK Social Icon
- #Update: User Submit Form now supports Category Radio Boxes
- #Update: CSS for YouTube player fullwidth
- #Add: Cactus Channel plugin
- #Add: TrueMag Playlist plugin
- #Add: able to bulk set Video Ads ID to all videos
- TrueMag 3.4.1 - 2015 - June 17th
- #Fix: duplicated Sub Total table in WooCommerce cart
- #Update: PrettyPho lib 3.1.6
- #Update: Visual Composer plugin 4.5.3
- #Update: WooCommerce 2.3.8 template files
- #Add: option to set default YouTube Video Playback Quality
- TrueMag 3.4 - 2015 - Jun 6th
- #Fix: Video Sitemap is broken if title has some special characters
- #Fix: Quick View is broken
- #Fix: minor CSS issues
- #Fix: Incorrect image thumbnail of article when sharing on Facebook
- #Update: Improve True Mag performance grade (need to run Regenerate Thumbnail again)
- #Update: able to limit size of Video Sitemap page
- #Add: Video Caption for JWPlayer
- TrueMag 3.3 - 2015 - May 9th
includes updates: Visual Composer 4.5.1, Revolution Slider
4.6.93, TrueMag Movie 3.3
- #Fix: Link parameter in Title of widgets does not work
- #Fix: meta description of author page to use author biography
- #Fix: hide video toolbar of YouTube player in inbox layout when not hovering
- #Fix: order by Like in category page does not work
- #Fix: SCB shortcode orders by Item IDs
- #Fix: Header sliders order by Item IDs
- #Update: use history.pushState in Ajax pagination to better support SEO
- #Update: support WooCommerce Ajax pagination
- #Fix: YouTube API 3.0 compatible
- #Update: Visual Composer 4.5.1
- #Update: Revolution Slider 4.6.93
- TrueMag 3.2.5 - 2015 - April 22nd
includes updates: Video Ads 3.2.5, Advance Search Form 1.4.7, TrueMag Movie 3.2.5 and Revolution Slider 4.6.9
- #Fix: JW Player 2.1.12 compatible
- #Fix: active video in More Videos of Single Inbox
- #Fix: CSS for TM-Recent Comments widget
- #Fix: header Classy Sliders are broken when using Ajax pagination
- #Fix: fatal error if WP PageNavi plugin is missing
- #Fix: fatal error if WTI Like Post plugin is missing
- #Fix: using deprecated function get_current_theme
- #Fix: Video Ads plays audio only when main video is fullscreen (now
- #Update: support WP YouTube Video Post plugin
- #Update: Support Facebook Embedded Videos
- #Update: TGM Activation class 2.4.1
- #Update: OptionTree 2.5.3
- #Update: Revolution Slider 4.6.9
- #Update: fix security vulnerability
- #Add: Video Sitemap export
- TrueMag 3.2.4 - 2015 - April 2nd
include TrueMag-Shortcode 3.2.4; TrueMag-Movie 3.2.4 and Video-Ads 3.2.4
- #Fix: default avatar in comment form for guests
- #Fix: Self-hosted video in Classy Slider
- #Fix: fatal error when using "Next Video by Tag" option in HTTPS websites
- #Fix: missing thumbnail image of gallery post in search results
- #Fix: CSS in RTL mode
- #Update: Video Ads to support inbox video layout
- #Update: support WooCommerce 2.3.7
- #Add: Option to play next videos in series
- #Add: option to add Facebook ID for like button
- TrueMag 3.2.3 - 2015 - March 18th
- #Fix: missing thumnail image for gallery posts in Search Results
- #Fix: Theme Options for custom Search Results page
- #Update: Mobile Detect Library (in both Video Ads plugin and theme) to fix blurring images issue
- #Update: Visual Composer plugin 4.4.3
- #Add: Report Video feature
- TrueMag 3.2.2 - 2015 - March 9th
- #Fix: incorrect hover icon of Smart Content Box
- #Fix: Vimeo Social Icon of member does not appear (truemag-member plugin 3.2.2)
- #Fix: truemag-rating plugin cannot be activated right after installed (truemag-ratign plugin 3.2.2)
- #Fix: Classy Header is broken in RTL mode
- #Fix: option Header - Items IDs does not work
- #Fix: Video Slider does not animate
- #Fix: blurring featured images on latest browsers
- #Update: Video Ads plugin to support new auto-play feature (video-ads plugin 3.2.2)
- TrueMag 3.2.1 - 2015 - March 3rd
- #Fix: conflict with TrueMag-rating plugin
- TrueMag 3.2 - 2015 - February 28th
- #Fix: use Video Code in Blog Listing
- #Fix: CSS issue with fixed menu
- #Fix: PHP warning in header-series.php
- #Fix: missing alt property in Smart Content
Box's thumbnails
- #Fix: icon on post standard in Smart Content
- #Fix: missing search button on mobile
- #Fix: CSS issue with list
- #Update: support HTTPs
- #Update: video player responsive
- #Update: translation (need to update all truemag-plugins)
- #Update: add more filter options in Front
Page template
- #Update: add Time Range options for Header
and Slider
- #Update: add more options for Auto Play
- #Update: date_i18n function to display local
time string
- TrueMag 3.1.2 - 2015 - February 12th
- #Fix: TrueMag-Rating 2.13; TrueMag-Shortcodes 3.1.2 and Video-Ads 2.4
- TrueMag 3.1.2 - 2015 - February 9th
- #Fix: Sidebar Layout for FrontPage template
- #Fix: warning message in TrueMag-Rating plugin
- #Fix: Headline widget is not running
- #Fix: some minor CSS bugs
- #Update: Smart Content Box to support Date Range query (truemag-shortcodes plugin)
- #Update: "Skip Ads" text option in Video-Ads plugin
- #Update: translation
- #Update: Visual Composer 4.4.2
- TrueMag 3.1.1 - 2015 - January 22th
- #Fix: some minor CSS bugs
- #Fix: Reddit, VK Sharing buttons does not work
- #Fix: setting right sidebar for header style "Video Slide"
- #Fix: menu in RTL mode
- #Fix: Smart Content Box to query standard post format
- #Fix: [Advance Search Form plugin 1.4.5] fix bug that pages are listed in blog
- #Fix: specify Post IDs for Amazing slider does not work
- #Add: [truemag-movie plugin 3.1.1] Widget "Top Videos by Author"
- #Update: sorting option for Headline widget
- #Update: [truemag-shortcodes 3.1.1] Smart Content Box shortcode to support CSS
- #Update: Visual Composer 4.4.1
- TrueMag 3.1 - 2015 - January 8th
- #Fix: video.js player bug
- #Fix: change color and background in Classy Slider Header
- #Fix: Amazing Slider css
- #Fix: JWPlayer css
- #Fix: bug with BreadCrumb
- #Update: TrueMag-Child-Theme-Poster-Size
- #Update: Advance Search Form (1.4.3) to fix warning bugs in search page
- #Update: Support Contus Video Player
- #Update: Support Kaltura Video Player
- #Update: change Page Smooth Scroll effect
- TrueMag 3.0.1 - 2014 - December 25th
- #Fix: Smart Content Box shortcode to filter Standard Posts
- #Fix: Wistia player plays no sound
- #Fix: some minor CSS
- #Fix: unable to click on logo link
- #Fix: some settings for YouTube player do not work in Classy Slider
- #Update: Visual Composer 4.3.5 to support WordPress 4.1
- #Update: Advance Search Form 1.4.2 to support BBPress
- TrueMag 3.0 - 2014 - December 18th
- #Fix: CSS for video player in Classy Slider
- #Fix: Smart Content Box order by Post Title
- #Fix: some minor CSS issues
- #Update: Option Tree
- #Add: integrated Mega Menu for True Mag (no need extra Mega Menu plugin)
- #Add: Movie Series feature (truemag-movie plugin)
- #Add: Multi-links for video post feature (truemag-movie plugin)
- #Add: option to filter posts by Post Format in Smart Content Box (truemag-
shortcode plugin)
- TrueMag 2.18 - 2014 - December 17th
- # Update: Video Ads plugin 2.3 to support HTML Ads
- # Update: New Social Sharing buttons
- TrueMag 2.17.1 - 2014 - December 04th
- # Fix: player is mis-aligned on Ipad and IE when using "Force Using YouTube Embed Code"
- # Fix: CSS bugs in WooCommerce
- # Fix: JWPlayer breaks on mobile
- # Fix: Video Ads for Vimeo does not work when "Auto Load Next" is off
- # Update: sidebars for WooCommerce pages
- TrueMag 2.17 - 2014 - December 01st
- # Add: Support WooCommerce
- # Add: Header conditions for Front-page template
- # Add: option to change the direction of auto-load next video
- # Fix: JW Player breaks in inbox layout
- # Fix: Related Posts by Category generates errors
- # Fix: some minor CSS issues
- TrueMag 2.16 - 2014 - November 20th
- # Add: Option to play YouTube inside JWPlayer
- # Add: Option to play external video source inside VideoJS player
- # Add: Option to control carousel speed
- # Add: Conditional Code for video player
- # Add: Notification for Submitted Posts
- # Update: Video Ads plugin 2.2
- # Update: TrueMag Shortcodes 2.16
- TrueMag 2.5 - 2014 - November 14th
- # Fix: "Auto fetch data" for user submitted posts
- # Fix: Show Excerpt property doesn't work in some shortcodes
- # Fix: Link to comments section in single posts doesn't work with Disqus
- # Update: Smart Content Box to fix layout issues with inappropriate thumbnail size from YouTube
- # Add: Option to play YouTube inside JWPlayer
- # Add: Option to play external video source inside VideoJS player
- # Add: Option to control carousel speed
- # Add: Conditional Code for video player
- # Add: Notification for Submitted Posts
- # Add: Option to choose Related Posts by categories or tags
- # Add: Option to sort headlines
- TrueMag 2.14.5 - 2014 - November 07th
- # Fix: Testimonial fatal error
- # Fix: Submit Video form is hidden on FireFox in Single Post
- # Update: JetPack compatibility
- # Update: Video Ads plugin 2.0.1
- # Update: Support WooCommerce (blind release)
- # Update: language file
- TrueMag 2.14.4 - 2014 - October 31th
- # Fix: color of icon on off-canvas menu
- # Update: Video Ads plugin 2.0
- # Update: TrueMag-shortcodes plugin
- TrueMag 2.14.3 - 2014 - October 25th
- # Fix: Amazing Slider autoplay bug
- # Fix: notice bug in functions.php
- # Fix: Google WebMaster Structured Data with blog post
- # Update: support Audio Post Format
- # Update: support DailyMotion Video API to fetch data
- # Update: improve Metro Slider UX on mobiles
- # Update: Count Views stats when viewing video on Quick View popup
- TrueMag 2.14.2 - 2014 - September 24th
- # Fix: cannot input category for Video Slider shortcode (TrueMag-shortcodes plugin)
- # Fix: required fields in Video Submit Form
- # Fix: hover color of Video Submit Form button
- # Fix: some minor CSS bugs
- # Update: Video Ads plugin to work properly on mobile (only Image ads)
- TrueMag 2.14.1 - 2014 - September 18th
- # Fix: some bugs with Video Ads plugin
- # Fix: some CSS issues with navigation
- # Fix: cannot input categories in Smart Content Box shortcode in Visual Composer
- # Update: FontAwesome 4.2.0
- TrueMag 2.14 - 2014 - September 17th
- # Fix: Reset Password page is redirected to Login Page
- # Fix: Solid Background Color isn't working
- # Fix: Tab and Carousel scrolling issue
- # Update: Banner Image style for category having blog listing
- # Update: TrueMag shortcode is now separated from Visual Composer plugin
- # Update: Visual Composer 4.3.4
- # Add: 2 menu styles
- # Add: OnePress Social Locker plugin integration
- # Add: Video Ads plugin
- # Add: Scroll Effect (Theme Options)
- TrueMag 2.13 - 2014 - September 04th
- # Fix: Ajax loading error
- # Fix: Mobile Detect library conflict
- # Fix: some minor CSS bugs
- # Update: add Theme Options to choose action when sharing videos on Facebook
- TrueMag 2.12 - 2014 - August 22th
- # Fix: Footer Ad Slot ID does not appear
- # Fix: error "undefined __toString() function of SimpleXMLElement" in some PHP built
- # Update: use ColorBox (MIT License) instead of HTML5LightBox
- TrueMag 2.11.3 - 2014 - August 12th
- # Fix: some minor errors
- # Fix: auto-fetch video tags
- TrueMag 2.11 - 2014 - July 25th
- # Fix: error in Submit Video feature with Contact Form 7 version 3.9
- TrueMag 2.11 - 2014 - July 25th
- # Update: Revolution Slider 4.5.95
- # Update: support Google Structured Data (Rich Snippets)
- # Update: support Facebook Open Graph for Video sharing
- # Update: Font Awesome 4.1.0
- # Fix: BuddyPress 'view all' activity comments doesn't work
- # Fix: Prev/Next post navigation doesn't work with qTranslate
- TrueMag 2.10 - 2014 - July 7th
- # Update: Revolution Slider 4.5.7
- # Fix: self-hosted video does not appear on Classy Slider front page
- # Fix: bug when using multiple Feature Content Box shortcodes in a page
- # Fix: some minor CSS, JS bugs
- # Update: getting "more videos" by tags (Theme Options)
- TrueMag 2.9 - 2014 - June 14th
- # Update: Revolution Slider 4.5.2
- # Update: Language file
- # Fix: Video Player height in mobile
- # Fix: Date Time in Amazing Slider
- # Fix: Touch issue of Classy Slider on iOS
- # Fix: User Submit Video feature - missing video description
- # Fix: Unable to add Carousel shortcode in Visual Composer
- # Add: TM Review shortcode button
- TrueMag 2.8.2 - 2014 - May 23rd
- # Update: Visual Composer 4.1.3
- TrueMag 2.8.1 - 2014 - May 20th
- # Fix: some bugs with Amazing Slider
- # Add: support social accounts Instagram, Email
- TrueMag 2.8 - 2014 - May 16th
- # Add: options to open new tab when clicking on Social Links
- # Add: New Home Page Header Style - Amazing Slider
- # Add: options for category page layout (left sidebar, right sidebar, fullwidth)
- TrueMag 2.7.3 - 2014 - May 16th
- # Fix: cannot hide author & date info in Boxed-style Single post
- # Fix: bug with Side Slider Front-page layout if choosing Left Sidebar
- # Fix: "Sort by" bug in Blog listing page if using language URL
- # Update: Language file
- # Add: options to turn on post metadata in Medium Grid layout
- TrueMag 2.7.2 - 2014 - May 10th
- # Fix: bug with Auto Update feature
- TrueMag 2.7.1 - 2014 - May 09th
- # Fix: Some CSS issues
- # Fix: Some minor issues
- # Update: Visual Composer 4.1.2
- # Update: Revolution Slider 4.3.8
- # Add: Parameter to hide Quick View popup in Smart Content Box shortcode (TrueMag-Shortcodes plugin)
- # Add: Set Background for single page
- TrueMag 2.7 - 2014 - May 06th
- # Fix: Some CSS issues
- # Fix: Choosing Full-width for an individual post does not work
- # Fix: 'Auto-fetch data' feature still works when Video URL is empty
- # Update: support WordPress 3.9
- # Add: User Submit Video
- # Add: 3 more header styles for front-page
- # Add: Choose background for a single video post
- # Add: New widget style
- # Add: Feature Content Box shortcode
- # Add: Video Carousel shortcode
- TrueMag 2.6.2 - 2014 - April 18th
- # Update: Revolution Slider 4.3.5
- # Update: Visual Composer 4.1
- # Fix: Fixed menu's width in Boxed layout
- # Fix: Shortcode buttons in TinyMCE editer WP 3.9
- TrueMag 2.6 - 2014 - April 3rd
- # Add: New HomePage Header
- # Add: Sticky Header
- # Add: Lightbox (Quick View) for big carousel in home page
- # Add: Users able to turn on "Auto Next Video"
- # Add: Left-Right side Ads, Main content Ads
- # Add: Auto-fetch YouTube View count
- # Support: Premium content with Membership plugin
- # Update: Support Interactive Videos
- # Update: Change enqueue uri function to support child theme
- # Update: Search result page - change players with feature image
- # Update: Option Tree 2.3.4
- # Update: Support option to set number of excerpts
- # Update: Theme Options - Enable/Disable Show More content button in single post
- # Update: On/off Full-width featured image for standard posts
- # Fix: Accordion, Toggle, Tour Section, Tab do not work
- # Fix: activate truemag-rating invalid header error (Plugin Truemag Rating)
- # Fix: Share this button hide when no social enable
- # Fix: some other minor issues
- TrueMag 2.4.1 - 2014 - March 21st
- # Fix: margin-bottom 35px of Visual Composer row
- # Fix: some other minor issues
- # Update: option to limit number of categories in widget Top Categories
- # Update: support custom avatar plugin
- # Fix: "unavailable" video when using Embed Code
- # Fix: Share toolbar is missing in single inbox layout
- # Update: Revolution Slider 4.2.4
- # Fix: Off Canvas menu level 3rd & 4th
- # Update: more YouTube player options
- # Update: Support Custom Content Type Manager plugin
- # Update: Multisite tested
- # Update: Theme Options for Share This Publisher ID
- TrueMag 2.4 - 2014 - March 13rd
- # Add: Theme Option to hide search box
- # Update: Visual Composer 4.0.1 (truemag-shortcodes plugin)
- # Fix: auto load next video setting does not work
- # Fix: Auto-Fetch-Data feature does not work on some hosts
- # Fix: deplicate meta data in smart content box shortcode
- TrueMag 2.3 - 2014 - February 28th
- # Add: Boxed Layout
- # Add: Option to set page background
- # Add: Option to set body font color
- # Add: Option to display Feature Image or Video Player for video post in Blog format
- # Add: Option to add Post View Count toolbar in single standard post page
- # Fix: recurring refresh on some servers
- # Fix: Disqus Comment integration
- # Fix: cannot select category in shortcode Smart Content Box (plugin TrueMag Shortcode)
- TrueMag 2.2 - 2014 February 22nd
- # theme - Add: User Playlist
- # theme - Add: support Wistia Player
- # theme - Update: no need to specify page template for Login page
- # theme - Update: vertical center for navigation menu
- # theme - Fix: main navigation level 3rd & 4th
- # theme - Fix: cannot click on Search Button if using default wordpress search box
- # theme - Fix: quick view error if there are special characters in content
- # theme - Fix: options to show/hide info in post listing page
- # theme - Improve: loading experience
- # ct-member plugin - Add: ID column for member post
- # truemag-shortcodes plugin - update Visual Composer 3.7.4
- # truemag-shortcodes plugin - change icons for shortcode
- # truemag-shortcodes plugin - Add: Compare Table shortcode
- # truemag-rating plugin - Fix: turn off FontAwesome setting does not work
- TrueMag 2.1 - 2014 February 15th
- Add support BBPress
- Add support FlowPlayer and VideoJS HTML5 layer
- Fix some CSS issues
- Fix "cannot find sample data" error
- TrueMag 2.0 - 2014 February 11th
- Add: BuddyPress Support
- Fix: CSS issues
- Fix: DailyMotion video player overflow issue
- Add: TrueMag Shortcode plugin - shortcode Heading
- Update: TrueMag Movie plugin
- Add: Tool to convert data from deTube
- TrueMag 1.0 - 2014 February 2nd - First Release